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a bottle of different types of food

a close up of a plate

Gaucho's Wine Society

a close up of a bottle

a close up of a plate

Table for Two $100 

A three-course menu for 2 ppl isn't complete without a good wine. Choose this menu, and you will get a free bottle of wine from our exclusive selection (value $40)

The Signature Glass $50 

Pair your three-course selection with our signature Gaucho Grill Wine Glass
(value $15) for free.
a glass of wine

a close up of a plate

Chef's Special

a plate of food and a bottle on a table

You can craft your own three-course menu
and get an 8 oz home-made bottle of
Gaucho Grill's famous Chimichurri for free.
(value $11)

a close up of a plate